A Late Valentine for 5HE!

1) They've inspired me since minute 1. I remember the first abbreviated performances of Black Violet I saw in 2010, and I can't forget how brimming with energy and questions I was from the opening chords of the Brahms Trio up until the end of our last public speaking workshop (huh huh MA!) Since then, the work I've seen in the education realm, the series performances, and even in the weekly staff meetings continues to amaze me!
2) They let me use my big girl voice. How many internships have you heard of where a measly undergraduate gets to suggest ideas for improvement and expansion to a group of hard-working professionals, and actually gets listened to?
3) They've been a source of support and 5HEluv throughout my time working as an intern or staff member. Crystal and Melissa let me join them for dinners in Evanston. Eric and Jenny attacked unsuspecting music teachers with me at the music educator's conference a few years back. Carole and Whitnie came to my senior recital. And no matter how awkward my *funny* facebook comments are in comparison to Carole's and Melissa's, I always get plenty of likes from everyone :)
So, it may be a little late for a Valentine's day wish, but consider this my blog interpretation of candy and emoji hearts for all the members of Fifth House Ensemble! When it comes to google drive, gut-busting laughter, mass amounts of food, and mind-blowing chamber music, no one does it better!
This week's Weekly Inspiration Blog Post is written by 5HE Educational Programming Coordinator, Anna, who is also finishing up her senior year at Northwestern. Anna joined 5HE as an intern a few years ago, came back to cover the education desk while Crystal was on maternity leave this fall, and is so, so awesome that she's stayed on to help coordinate education projects! Trust me, the love as Anna has for 5HE? We have just as much love going right back at her!